Master Programs

Master of Business Administration

Program Description

The key to a flourishing business is a well-thought-out plan to maximize the value it generates. Leaders in the organization is aware of and on board with this strategy. All procedures are designed with the internal stakeholders’ participation in mind, and everyone knows what part they play in making the company’s goal a reality. This managerial goal is central to the creation of the MBA. The program’s objective is to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential to succeed in the corporate world, so that they may create and implement innovative solutions that benefit their communities.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to (1) study an organization, (2) recognize and assess areas in which value may be created, and (3) use the fundamental business skills essential to boosting an organization’s worth. Students exhibit efficiency in oneself essential to realizing their career aspirations and making meaningful contributions to the organization’s goals.

The MBA curriculum is designed to help students attain these goals by instructing them on the value created by each stage of business operations and the skills necessary to advance an organization’s goals. Alongside these, the curriculum emphasizes the development of efficiency in competencies that will help students succeed in their future endeavors. Both sets of skills are developed throughout the course through a novel delivery system with online instruction

100% scholarship for military personnel and all American citizens

Contact Info

1101 Connecticut Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20036
United States

+1(888) 970-6177

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